Japan Poets Association International Exchange Seminar 2024
With American Poet Amber Adams
Date and Time: 15:00 on Saturday, October 19, 2024
Venue: Waseda Hoshien
Hosted by: Japan Poets Association
Part 1 Evening of Lecture and Poetry Reading 15:00-17:20
Master of Ceremony: Kiwao Nomura
Introduction 15:00-15:30
Samine Zon(poet, translator)
Lecture and Poetry Reading 15:30-17:00
Amber Adams
Q&A 17:00-17:20
Part 2 Convivial Party 18:00-20:00
Gouhara Hiroshi
Chairperson of Japan Poets Association
Nomura Kiwao
Sugimoto Maiko
Administration Officer in charge of International Exchange
Bio Amber Adams
Amber Adams is a poet and counselor living in Longmont, Colorado. Her debut collection,
Becoming Ribbons (Unicorn Press, 2022), was a finalist for the X.J. Kennedy Prize and a
semifinalist in the Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize. She received her MA in Literary Studies from
the University of Denver, and her MA in Counseling from Regis University. Her writing has appeared
or is forthcoming in Poetry Magazine, Poetry Northwest, American Literary Review, Narrative,
Witness, HAD, 32 Poems, and elsewhere. She is currently working on her second collection, Under
Snow, which was a semifinalist for the Pamet River Prize.
@amberadamspoet on social media